Meet The Auditor
Auditor Responsibilities
Steward of Public Funds
First, the County Auditor is the watchdog of all County funds. As Harrison County’s Chief Financial Officer, the Auditor:
• Accounts for millions of dollars received by Harrison County each year.
• Issues payments for all County obligations, including the distribution of tax money to townships, villages, cities, school districts, libraries, and County agencies.
• Administers and distributes tax and license revenues, including real estate taxes, personal property taxes, motor vehicle license fees, gasoline taxes, estate taxes, manufactured home taxes, local government funds, and other state subsidies.
• Produces the County’s annual financial report and prepares comprehensive reports to help elected officials make informed decisions, while providing transparency to taxpayers.
• Administers the payroll for all Harrison County employees.
Real Estate Appraisal and Assessment
The County Auditor sets fair and equitable values for each parcel in Harrison County. By Ohio law, the County Auditor must complete a reappraisal every six years and an update based on market trends three years after a reappraisal. A reappraisal occurred in 2023 and the last update was conducted in 2020.
Real Estate Taxes and Tax Rates
Annually, the Auditor prepares the General Tax List upon which tax bills are created. The bill is based on the tax rate in effect for the district where the property is located and the property valuation. The Auditor calculates levy rates and certifies the tax rates to the Ohio Department of Taxation. The Auditor also administers tax reduction programs such as the Homestead Exemption and the CAUV program. Upon tax collection, the Auditor must accurately distribute money received to the correct entities within the County.
Weights and Measures
The Harrison County Auditor protects County residents and businesses by ensuring all commercial weighing and measuring devices are accurate. The Weights & Measures Inspector uses highly accurate equipment to annually test and inspect commercial devices, such as gas pumps, price scanners, meat and produce scales.
The Auditor manages licensing for dogs, kennels, vendors, cigarettes and junk yards.
Budget Commission
The Auditor is the permanent Secretary of the Budget Commission, which is responsible for the annual review of tax budgets of all taxing districts within the county and determining tax levies are properly authorized and allocated.
Board of Revision
The Auditor is the permanent Secretary of the Board of Revision, which is responsible for reviewing property assessment prior to issue of the real estate tax list and hearing complaints on property valuation from taxpayers.